Since November 2019, we have implemented the use of the IMPLANT PLANER device as our preferred and standardized method for implant decontamination in clinical treatments. Our study involved 59 patients who presented with various stages of peri-implantitis, leading to the reconditioning of nearly 135 implants. The results obtained from this extensive research highlight an exceptional success rate of 99% in effectively halting the progression of peri-implantitis. Furthermore, our findings reveal that, on average, the use of the IMPLANT PLANER device resulted in a significant augmentation of bone with a gain of 4.5mm. These remarkable outcomes provide compelling evidence for the efficacy and effectiveness of this innovative approach in treating peri-implantitis.
.Peri-Implantitis before
After 8 month
8mm vertical bone gain! 18Monthfollow-up
18month 5mm vertical bone gain
6month follow-uption
This case was not aougmented and show 3mm of vertical bone gain no inflamation over 30 month!
3mm bone gain with no augmentation